
My early years were marked by a curiosity that led me from one academic interest to another. It wasn't until my enrollment at Chapman U. after exploratory terms at Fullerton College and California State University Long Beach that I stumbled upon the world of Advertising — it was a perfect fit, one that hit all the right cords solidifying my career trajectory. 

A photo collage of variious college campues and Joseph Cashman at dinner with Friends
A photo collage of Joseph Cashman's life during college.

With a newfound enthusiasm, I transitioned into a working professional in the picturesque Laguna Beach, CA. That first job with Girard (before they were bought up by was a rollercoaster ride, working as a one-man in-house agency, learning on the fly, and broadening my skill set in marketing and technology. This foundational experience armed me with the competence to venture into self-employment, which took me to the historic and vibrant city of Boston for the next few years. 

A photo collage of laguna Beach CA and Boston MA along with a few photos of Joseph Cashman
A photo collage of Joseph Cashman's time in Laguna beach and Boston

A pivotal detour through Seattle before heading back to California in 2007 became a crucial point in my professional journey. It was there, through some serendipitous connections, that I discovered SEO. Intrigued and foreseeing its paramount significance, I immersed myself in mastering this skill. Back in the warm, sunny embrace of Southern California sometime later, settling near the beautiful San Bernardino National Forest area, where I bagged my first marketing managerial role at IEHP

A photo collage of Seattle WA and the San Bernardino mountains
A photo collage of Joseph Cashman's time in Seattle and Upland California
a photo collage of Downtown LA Manhattan Beach CA and Joseph cashman with freinds.

Then, when the 2008 crash happened, I was left to my own devices for a while. This period marked the beginning of a varied and colorful marketing career, with stints consulting in NYC, creating websites for Real Estate agents back in SoCal, the Beauty industry in Beverly Hills, and Biotech in LA's South Bay (to name but a few). Then 2020 happened. A series of, let's just call them events, brought me back to working for myself. But unlike those early freelance days in Boston, this time around, I had a better grasp of what it took, and I haven't looked back. 

A photo collage of Joseph Cashman's life in New York City and current life in Los Angeles